Collection: Producers established in EU/EEA

  • ERP Go including Authorised Representative Service

    • 1,900.00 DKK
    • Volume = 0-200 kg
    • Reporting form = simple, non-detailed and not divided into material categories (total volume)
    To the offer 
  • ERP Easy

    • 1,900.00 DKK
    • Volume = 200 - 8000 kg
    • Reporting form = simple, non-detailed and not divided into material categories (total volume)
    • Add on Authorized Representative Service: 1,000.00 DKK
    To the offer 
  • ERP Circular

    • 1,900.00 DKK
    • Volume = 0 to infinity (kg)
    • Reporting form = detailed and divided into material categories (mandatory above 8 tonnes)
    • Add on Authorized Representative Service: 1,000.00 DKK
    To the offer